Thursday, August 13, 2009

The one where we go places.

Show us your life: Vacation Edition

Destin, FL because that's where we honeymooned & it's where my family lives. AND the most beautiful beaches IN THE WORLD...the Emerald Coast...can't go wrong with that.

New England - except it gets REALLY really cold.

San Francisco - Not really sure I want to go back, but I'm really glad I went. Beautiful.

Austin, TX everytime we go down there it feels like home. K's parents are there. Hey! Did you see the historical landmark?

Random places like Paradise, TX - we decided to go to little towns around DFW. One night we went to this tiny town and watched a little league game. It was cute...didn't know a soul.

Guatemala - I'm not sure K would call this vacation, and my stomach's torment about a week afterward, but I love this place.


tiarastantrums said...

oh this is the 3rd one to say Destin - I need to check this out

Bridgette said...

The water at Destin looked beautiful. Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing!

Katie Patterson said...

What neat places!!!

Nikki Cogg said...

It looks like a lot of people love Destin! I need to see what I'm missing out on! How fun that y'all went to a random little league game. I loved San Fran and it was definitely an experience- Ghiradelli square was magnificent!

King J's Queen said...

I've never made it to Texas. It's on my must-do list. Yep, New England is cold about 9 months out of the year, IMO.

Christa said...

My favorite is Destin too! I love the blue water and white sand! Love your post reminds me of the names of all the "Friends" episodes!

Shoshanah said...

Paradise, Texas, what a great name. I might make a point to go there someday just because of that.