Saturday, August 15, 2009

The one where we say mi casa es su casa.

I moved to Seminary only knowing 2 people who lived down the street.

Then I got my own little Carrol Park Pad a few duplexes down. While I was living here...

I met this guy. He turned out to be a keeper so we got married & got our own seminary place. We were only in that place for a week until we moved into this place...

An apartment in Plano so K could be an intern at Prestonwood. I worked there for a while (I served my 6 month term) then in God's timing this place called...

so that I could teach their munchkins about life and art. I served my one year term and I am still with this great city. But life called us south so we decided for a bigger happenin' pad.

We decided on a house with 2 large trees in the front. Did you hear that? Trees! in! my! front! yard! and I live in Texas. Imagine that. We love it here...YMCA and friends down the street, church we really like, jobs are close, backyard for the dogs. Life is Good.

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