1. A slept over at his Lecee & G's house last night.
2. This morning he had sick eyes.
3. We went to Sam's and PetSmart with Lecee this morning.
4. It wore A out and he took a nap in his Elmo PJ's.
5. A woke up and we took 2 boxes to the thrift store and bought A an Elmo chair which needs to be washed.
6. Camp ROC was not so good today. There was a major meltdown meaning T had to go home. Sheesh.
7. Dinner was great. We ate outside on our back deck for the first time - we lit candles, moved the high chair out & had spinach salad with tomatoes, avacados, and italian dressing & Annie's mac & cheese.
8. A likes avacado and mac & cheese.
9. We went to the library after dinner and I got a Nicholas Sparks book & K got one about Judo. We saw pictures of the new libraries they will build soon. Yay!
10. Little Man was tired. He had an oozing nose and eye so he got a shower, pj's and early bed with the humidifier going. Dr. for him tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday!
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