Saturday, March 17, 2012

Missions gardening

This morning we went to an elderly couple's house to help in their garden.  It was fun.  The kiddos had fun and we figured we should do that more often.

These 3 had fun today!

We went home and A took a nap, I went to Publix.
When I got home we ate then tried to pick up my car.
They were closed...which means I can't pick it up until Monday. Grrrr

We went to Westgate and let A play with a ball and golf club.  We found a great place behind the softball fields.  We walked over to the BMX track and saw a family from our church.  All 3 of their boys are BMX bikers...even the 5 year old.  Never A, BMX is not for you!

We went home and we were all tired and stinky from the warm fun afternoon.  Showers for everyone and we made dinner.  Chicken, sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, cucumber...Yum!

Wellington gets antsy and stares at K all night long when he is out of a Dollar General run is in our future!

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