Monday, October 22, 2012

Oh me

Oh Monday...You are making me crazy!
  • A woke up at 5 this morning wet...woke up again at 7:45 this morning.
  • It's A's first day at daycare this morning...he didn't want to leave his Mama!  Tears.
  • Got a weird phone call about subbing
  • Witnessed a high strung Mama checking her kids in at school today yelling at the ladies behind the counter
  • Got to my classroom to teach art and the classroom teacher thought her day was Wednesday, not today.  Surprise! Let's do art!
  • Had to teach really fast for my second class - because they had somewhere to go at a certain time.
  • It's A's naptime right now & I'm really praying he'll lay still and take one at school. 

***A had a good day at DayCare!  He didn't nap, but he layed down for 2 hours. He was on the playground when I came to get him and he didn't want to leave.  Lets hope the mornings get better.  A had a few come aparts after school due to being tired.  We made a quick trip to the Art Museum for gluesticks then watched BubbleGuppies at home.  I made banana nut muffins and A has played.  We are waiting for Dad to get home!***

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