Monday, September 17, 2012


I can now see the bottom of my closet.
I have a trash bag full of stuff to donate to The Rescue Mission.
The dog is clean.
Little Buddy slept great while it rained today.

I used my Mother's Morning Out time to take my mom's sick cat to the vet because I know she would do it for me.  I did move a few chairs down when the Pit Bull Mix came into the room.  The man asked me why and I said something about his dog having a big head....that it could bite my foot off and have our sick cat for dessert.  I enjoyed listening to the old ladies talk about their chihuahua's heart problems.

Dinner is ready...
Annie's Mac & Cheese, Squash, Salad, & Biscuits

It's raining hard and giving my pitiful zinnias some much needed nutrition.
And I almost burned my biscuits telling you about our Monday.
Happy Monday!

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