Wednesday, September 19, 2012


This morning I treated myself to a Skinny Vanilla Latte & a blueberry muffin at Starbucks in Target.
I also got a sparkly tank top on sale.
I got things ready for Arty Pants.
I hope little ones and their parents come because we have cute things to make!
A & I went to the playground for a few minutes after MMO because the weather is so nice.
Hoping  for a good nap for him then it's church time.
Looking forward the the Finale of Big Brother 14 tonight!

Yesterday I turned in my paperwork to get certified in AL.
I also applied for a job, but that's nothing new.
I've applied for many 'o job in my town's school system and nothing.
Crickets. Beuller. 
Hello? Don't they know I was a fun, great art teacher who loves teaching? Hello? Anybody?
Yeah...We'll see.

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